Why not spend your leisure time at a paint and sip studio in Raleigh if you’re searching for a creative and pleasant activity?
There are establishments dedicated to painting on canvas while drinking alcoholic beverages called “paint and sip studios.” You don’t need any prior expertise or training in painting since a trained teacher will walk you through making your masterpiece.
Landscapes, animals, abstractions, and other subjects are just some of the options available to you.
Some of the nation’s top paint and drink studios are in Raleigh, North Carolina. The following are the top four near you that you need to check out:
Studio Name | Address | Phone Number | Booking Website |
Wine & Design | 510 W Martin St 3rd Floor | 919 985 5121 | https://wineanddesign.com/raleigh |
Pinot’s Palette | 10410 Moncreiffe Rd Suite 101 | 919 391 0258 | https://www.pinotspalette.com/briercreek |
Artistic Thirst | Mobile studio | N/A | https://www.artisticthirst.com/ |
The Centerpiece | 7400 Six Forks Rd Ste 18 | 919 948 4886 | http://www.thecenterpiece.com/ |
1. Wine & Design
More than 90 Wine & Design studios exist nationwide, making it one of the most successful franchises.
Their studio in Raleigh’s quaint Five Points district is perfect for painting and socializing. At Wine & Design, you may make your artwork with the help of their provided canvas, paints, brushes, aprons, and corkscrews.
You may bring your alcoholic beverages or choose from their local and international drinks.
Paint and sip classes at Wine & Design may be tailored to suit painters of all experience levels and interests. Landscapes, animals, flowers, abstractions, and more may all be found on their public schedule of events.
You may also host a private event for your friends, family, or colleagues, choosing from various painting themes and setting the mood with your favorite tunes. Wine & Design hosts bachelorette parties, kids’ camps, business gatherings, and fundraisers.
Depending on the instructor and the program length, participants should expect to pay anywhere from $35 to $45 for each paint and drink session.
2. Pinot’s Palette
Another well-known paint and wine chain with over 200 sites in the US and Canada is Pinot’s Palette.
They host painting parties and other events in their huge Raleigh’s Brier Creek retail complex studio.
Canvas, paints, brushes, aprons, and glasses: Pinot’s Palette has everything an aspiring artist might want to realize their artistic vision. You can bring your booze or buy from the bar’s alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, soft drinks, water, and snacks.
Drink and paint classes at Pinot’s Palette may be tailored to suit painters of any experience level or special event needs.
They have a public schedule of events you may peruse, including pop art, impressionism, seasonal settings, and more.
You may also host a private event for your friends, family, or colleagues, choosing from various painting themes and setting the mood with your favorite tunes.
Class prices vary from $35 to $42 for each sip and paint session, with the high end reserved for more intensive courses.
3. Artistic Thirst
Artistic Thirst is a paint and sip studio that hosts programs for adults and kids after school and on Saturday mornings and groups of all sizes for private parties and other occasions.
Landscapes, animals, abstractions, flowers, and more categories of paintings are available for your selection. You’re welcome to bring your beverage to sip on as you paint.
Experienced painters who are friendly and helpful teach painting classes at Artistic Thirst. They will provide you with the tools you need to make your masterpiece. The other attendees are a great source of information and entertainment.
Tables, seats, easels, paints, brushes, and canvases are all readily available, and the space is warm and inviting at Artistic Thirst.
The paint and drink studio has music playing and a relaxing atmosphere. The price of your Artistic Thirst session will depend on the kind of painting or workshop you sign up for. For a paint and wine session that lasts two hours, you may expect to pay about $35 in total.
4. The Centerpiece
The Centerpiece is not only a place to paint and drink wine. In addition to mirrors and frames, they also offer painting seminars and workshops.
Over 30 skilled painters and craftspeople have contributed pieces ranging from the realistic to the abstract. They provide turnkey services for all home and office art installation requirements.
Visual arts instructors and working artists teach year-round classes and seminars at The Centerpiece.
Painting, drawing, collage, mixed media, painting, sculpture, and more are just some of the mediums and methods that may be studied. Attend one of their sip and paint events and drink wine or beer as you make your masterpiece.
Elegant and welcoming, The Centerpiece has a spacious gallery area for displaying works by regional and national artists. Each drink and paint class or course at The Centerpiece has a different fee. Two hours of therapy typically cost $45 per client.
Painting and drinking are two things that may help you relax and enjoy yourself more fully while also enhancing your creative potential.
Check out our suggestions if you seek the most enjoyable paint and sip studios in Raleigh, North Carolina, in the United States.
They provide a selection of paintings or lessons, teachers or founders, facilities, and costs that are designed to cater to your specific requirements and inclinations.
See more sip and paint classes in other locations: