Many people don’t realize just how much is involved with running your own business. There is a lot more to it than you might think.
Let’s say you want to start your own paint and sip business. You are going to need all of the supplies for people to paint with, and that’s just for starters.
You are also going to need a place to hold classes. Will you be using your own studio, or will you be teaching the classes in your clients’ homes?
Once you have all of these little details in place, you might think that you are ready to get started. I hate to disappoint you, but there is still more that you need to take care of.
There are several contracts you are going to need to have in place before you can start teaching paint and sip parties, depending on the area where you live.
Today I am going to talk about some of the paperwork and contracts you will need to operate a legal paint and sip party business. Keep reading to learn more.
Register Your Business
One of the first things you will need to do is register your business. Depending on the rules regarding small/home businesses in your area, you may be required to complete some paperwork.
The best advice I can give you about this is to speak with a representative from your local chamber of commerce. They will be able to tell you what type of paperwork needs to be filled out, and where you need to go to do this.
In my area, Service New Brunswick is where people go to register their businesses. They also need to visit Service Canada to apply for a tax number.
The paperwork you will need to do to get your business off the ground will depend on your locality. There are usually municipal and state/province forms to fill out, and in the case of taxes, there will also be some federal paperwork.
Licenses and Permits
While you are getting the information you need to set up a tax number and register your business, you also need to think about licenses and permits. For instance, if you are setting up a paint and sip studio in your own home, you will need to apply for a special permit.
Some areas will not allow people to have home businesses where people are coming in and out of the building. It may be that you will need to apply for permission to have your business in a residential area, which means more paperwork to deal with.
Again, this is something you can discuss with someone from the Chamber of Commerce. They will be able to give you all of the information you need to get started.
Funding Your Business
A paint and sip business is one that you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to set up. But, there will be some fees involved with registering the business.
You will also need to purchase enough supplies for at least a couple of classes. After the first class or two, you should have enough funding to pay for the materials for the next few parties.
If you are setting up your business in your home, you will also need to purchase tables and chairs for students to work at. This is the point where you might want to consider applying for a small business loan or a personal loan.
If you do apply for a loan, you will need to fill out paperwork and sign a loan contract.
Party Contracts
You will need to create a contract that is to be used between yourself and the person who is hosting the party. This is necessary if you are teaching the classes on location or in your studio.
This contract should outline all of the terms and conditions, and those hosting the parties will need to sign the contract. This will ensure that they are aware of your terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions for a paint and sip party are pretty simple. This contract should talk about deposits (refundable and non-refundable), cancellation fees, refund policy, etc.
It is also a good idea to set up a website and make sure that the site has a terms and conditions page. This will ensure that there is no miscommunication because your terms and conditions will be carefully outlined.
If the parties will be on-location, you will need to make sure that your contract states that you are not liable for any damages caused by party guests. If you are teaching in your studio, there will need to be a section in the contract that states what the guests are liable for.
For example, let’s say a guest has too much to drink and ends up damaging art supplies or furniture in your studio. The person who signed the contract for the party will be liable for any expenses incurred due to this, so you will be covered. They will then have to deal with the person who did the damage to recoup their losses.
Most people expect to have wine or other alcoholic beverages at a paint and sip party. If the party is held in someone’s home, the homeowner is responsible for their guests, just as they would be with any type of party.
If the parties are being held in your studio, you will need to get a liquor license. Maybe you are going to rent a venue for a paint and sip event. This would involve getting a temporary liquor license.
Contact your local liquor licensing board to find out the rules and regulations that need to be followed for paint and sip parties that are hosted in your studio or rented venues.
What we have discussed here today are the main types of paperwork and contracts you will need when you start a paint and sip business. Depending on the regulations in your area, there could be other types of paperwork you will need to deal with.
I can’t stress enough how helpful your local chamber of commerce can be. They will steer you in the right direction so you can start your business knowing that you have all of your T’s crossed and I’s dotted.
*image by Valerii_Honcharuk/depositphotos
Sari Green is a semi-professional artist and professional writer. She has been hosting paint & sip parties for the past couple of years, and truly enjoys helping other people to create their very own masterpieces. She loves to create, and you never know what she’s going to come up with next!